H. Christopher Erb never felt that he was disabled. Sitting in his wheelchair, he read and wrote every day and some nights as well. With continuous work he produced over a dozen notebooks with his writing. By 2020 he was selecting from the text for publication. The title of his book is " Where The Body Begins " focusing the expression
H. Christopher Erb never felt that he was disabled. Sitting in his wheelchair, he read and wrote every day and some nights as well. With continuous work he produced over a dozen notebooks with his writing. By 2020 he was selecting from the text for publication. The title of his book is " Where The Body Begins " focusing the expression on the extent of our spiritual dept and his wonder about this life. By allowing the intuition to inspire him of word combinations resulting in more contemplation around his thoughts. Chris was a thinker since he could remember. We lost him to Covid but his poetry which was center line of his every day existence was
left to us and constitutes a gift
" I made of wings a wheel
the tongue a wick
a motor of verticals
a choir of voices in my head "